Glossary of Terms
Attachment Point – Attachment points are locations in space where Warcraft III will attach additional art to a model in game. Aura effects and spell effects are examples of graphical effects that depend on attachment points. Although attachments are created using a helper object that appears to have a spatial volume, only the origin of that volume is considered to be the origin of the model. Attachment points are specified in model space: that is, relative to the model’s origin. Thus, a model’s attachment points move with the model.
附着点是指一些空间上的位置点,魔兽三在游戏中用来为模型附加额外艺术效果的。光环效果和魔法效果就是依赖于这种附着点的图形艺术效果的例子。尽管附着体是在3ds max中用帮助物体创建出来的,有一个空间体积,但是只有这个体积的中心坐标被考虑在模型的中心坐标之中(换言之,只是提供一个点坐标信息,不会随模型一起在游戏中显示出来)。附加点都是相对于模型的中心,被限定为模型的子物体,因此,一个模型的所有附加点都是随模型一起运动的。
Billboard – A billboard is a piece of geometry that is procedurally oriented to face the camera. Fully billboarded objects will always face the camera in the same orientation. Objects that are only billboarded on one or more axes will face the camera on those axes, but may rotate around other axes.
Blend Mode – The blend mode refers to the technique used to combine multiple pixel layers in order to form a final image. Blend modes include additive, which means that pixels' color values are added together (saturating at pure white); modulate, which means that pixels' color values are multiplied together; and blend, which means that new pixel color and the current frame buffer pixel color are blended together using the new pixel alpha value as a blending factor.
BLP – A Blp is an external file containing all the textures used to display some object in the game. Each of these textures is stored in a file ending in the extension .BLP. BLP files are automatically created for you when you export a model.
BLP文件是指包含在游戏中显示某些物体所需要的所有纹理信息的外部文件.每个物体在游戏中正常显示所需的这些外观信息都被存储在一个以.blp为后缀名的文件中.当您在3ds max中导出模型时,其相对应的.blp文件也会被自动创建.
Depth Buffer – The depth buffer is a section of memory on the 3D graphics hardware. This buffer is generally used to keep track of the closest object seen so far at each pixel location. Depth buffering is used to reject pixels or entire triangles that are farther away than the nearest objects that have been drawn so far. This process accomplishes pixel-accurate depth sorting of objects in a scene. Keep in mind that sometimes depth buffer tests or sets are disabled, such as when you are drawing transparency effects.
Draw Order – Warcraft III establishes a draw order for all of the models in the scene. This refers to the order in which different parts of a model are drawn. For models, the draw order is as follows: Models are split into opaque and transparent layers. All opaque layers are drawn at the same time. The ordering of opaque layers doesn’t matter, because depth buffering ensures that only the per-pixel closest elements are rendered to the frame buffer. Transparent layers are sorted from back to front, and then rendered in that same back-to-front order after all of the opaque layers have been drawn.
Event – In Warcraft III, events are triggers embedded in the model that cause footprints to appear; splats, uber-splats, or spawned models to be emitted; or sounds to play.
Frame Buffer – The frame buffer is a section of memory on the 3D graphics hardware that accumulates all of the triangles that have been drawn so far in a scene. When everything is drawn, the frame buffer is “swapped” or “presented”, and the graphics hardware actually sends the image to the monitor. There are usually two copies of the frame buffer in use: one is being shown on the monitor, while the other one is accumulating information for the next scene. This technique is known as double-buffering.
Geometry – This term refers to the set of vertices and faces that make up an object. Conceptual object types such as a sphere must be reduced to real geometry (triangles) before they can be used by the game.
Geosets – This is a Warcraft III concept. Geometry in Warcraft III is divided up into geosets based on material and mesh properties. Generally, each combination of textures and material properties (such as unlit or no-depth-test) causes a separate geoset to be generated. All triangles in a particular geoset are rendered at the same time; this approach is more efficient for the rendering hardware. Ideally, you want to generate as few geosets as possible.
Hit Test/Collision – When you select a unit in Warcraft III, the game must perform a computation called a hit test in order to determine what you clicked on. Hit testing takes quite a bit of processing, so we use various techniques to make it faster. One of these techniques is to hit test against a simpler shape than the model itself. Two very simple shapes to hit test against are spheres and boxes. Warcraft III uses both of these types of simplifications to make hit testing faster. The Warcraft III Art Tools will generate collision shapes for you automatically. These collision shapes are used by the hit testing algorithms.
MDX/MDL – A model is stored on disk in one of two formats: MDX or MDL. Thus, depending on which format was used, a model file will have a filename that ends in either .MDL or .MDX. MDX files contain a compact binary representation of the model. The art tools export model files in MDX format by default. MDL files contain a textual representation of the model. This format is inefficient for Warcraft III to load and parse, but it’s straightforward for debugging. You can choose to output models in MDL format for debugging.
魔兽模型以两种格式存储在硬盘里:MDX或MDL。也就是说,不管什么格式,模型文件必须以.MDX或者.MDL为后缀名。其中.MDX文件以压缩的二进制字段存储模型,ART TOOL默认也是导出.MDX文件。而.MDL文件则包括模型的纹理信息。后一格式比较不利于游戏中加载和移除,但是比较易于调试。您可以导出MDL用来调试模型。
Mip Levels – Modern 3D graphics hardware uses a technique called mipmapping to increase image quality when the size of a textured image is much smaller than the size of the source texture. Mipmapping requires that progressively smaller versions of a texture are generated and made available for use by the graphics hardware. Each successively smaller version of a texture is ? of the size of the original texture (half the original size along each dimension), clamped to a minimum of 1 pixel wide. Each version is known as a mip level, and the collection of mip levels is frequently called a mip chain. The Warcraft III Art Tools automatically generate mip levels for textures that are used on models.
当代3d图形硬件利用一种叫纹理映射层级的技术在最终纹理表现图像尺寸小于原本的贴图文件时来提高图像质量。这种技术需要提供贴图文件渐次缩小的一系列不同版本给图形硬件使用。每一个较小层级的次纹理都是前一个纹理层级的1/4大小(就是指每个小版本纹理图从源贴图依次长宽缩小一倍),一直递减到不小于1个像素的尺寸。这样每一个贴图版本就被称为一个纹理映射层级。而每个系列的不同纹理层级通常就被称为纹理层级链。art tool将自动为导出的模型生成相应的纹理层级。
Model – A collection of data used by Warcraft III to draw an image on the screen.
Origin – Origin refers to the reference point in a system. In the Model Previewer, the origin is at (0,0,0), which is located by default in the center of the screen. In 3ds max, each scene has an origin, and each object has an origin. When you select an object in 3ds max, you will see an axis tripod appear at that object's origin.
中心坐标指一个物体在一个系统里的参考点。在模型预览器中,中心坐标就是点(0.0.0),默认也就是屏幕中心.在3ds max中,每个场景都有一个中心坐标,每个物体也是.当您在3ds max中选择一个物体时,您就可以看到在它的中心坐标上显示一个三角轴.
Parent/Child – The Warcraft III Art Tools use the same parent-child concept that 3ds max does. When you link two objects together, they form a parent-child relationship. The parent is the object that is linked TO. The child is the object that is linked FROM.
art tool使用跟3ds max一致的父子层级概念.当您把两个物体链接起来时,他们就构成了一个父子层级关系.被链接的物体是父级,而另一个就是子级.
Queue – A queue is a first-in-first-out arrangement of data. Think of the line at the bank: the first person in line is the first person to be serviced when a teller becomes available.
Sequence – A sequence is a time-slice of animation from the overall animation timeline for a model. A sequence represents one of the model's actions in game. For example, if the object is a unit, the object will probably need walk, stand, attack, birth, and death sequences. Models generally include multiple sequences to represent these states visually.
Team Color – This color is procedurally applied to an object in order to identify which team the object belongs to. See Replaceable Texture ID for more information.
Team Glow – This is a texture that has the same color as team color. Just as team color is applied to an object, team glow is applied to a unit in order to identify the unit’s team. Team glow is most often used on Hero units.
Tris – Shorthand for “triangles”. This is the collection of interconnections between vertices that define the shape of a 3D object.
Unit – A single playable entity in Warcraft III, such as a Peon or an Archmage. Each unit in Warcraft III is generally represented by a single model, although there are some exceptions.
Verts – Shorthand for “vertices”. This is the collection of locations in 3D space that define the points of interconnection for a 3D object.